Improving How Health and Social Care Work Together

Organisation Development (OD)

There are many challenges that limit the space for exploring new practice, system change and the inevitable churn of turnover. Addressing these has been the main focus of the Tower Hamlets Together Workforce and OD workstream.

Meeting monthly since 2015 it brings together the OD leads from each of the THT partners, building the relationships that make it easier to get things done. It has helped increase the focus on cross-partner programmes, such as the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training which will have engaged 1000 staff, and created access to educational opportunities offered by the Community Education Providers Network (CPEN). The workstream has also been able to make connections beyond health and social care so that more than 50 schools were involved in recent ‘Mental Health First Aid’ training.

At the heart of this function is how we can improve how the health and care systems work better together. Read on to learn about the different ways that we do this.

Integrated care in the community


Are you a Tower Hamlets resident? We would love to hear from you!

If you have any feedback regarding our services, or suggestions of ideas and initiatives that may improve the healthcare and wellbeing of people in Tower Hamlets, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.