(mainly healthy adults)
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The Living Well workstream works with the adult population that is mainly healthy (of which a segment may be accumulating high risk for future health issues) or experiencing relatively low complexity issues (e.g. common mental health issues, or long-term conditions that have not yet reached a level that significantly impacts on independent living).

The health needs of this population relate particularly to primary and secondary prevention (i.e. preventing the onset of illness or preventing progression of long-term conditions) as well as management of self-limiting conditions (e.g. mild infectious disease, low-level musculoskeletal issues, sexually transmitted infections, higher HIV prevalence, higher levels of substance misuse (including problem drinking in those who drink alcohol) lower screening uptake and a higher burden of common mental health issues, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Living Well - 2023/24 Priorities
Developing system-wide health Intelligence (“data”) for localities and primary care networks/neighbourhoods.
Strengthening Locality & PCN structures to address health inequalities.
Long-term conditions prevention and management: improving pathways between communities and preventative services.
Engaging communities to improve health and wellbeing.
Improving access to services for disabled residents
Relevant characteristics of the Tower Hamlets Living Well population include:
Demography (mobility, young population, ethnicity), lower healthy life expectancy, high deprivation, poorer diet, higher smoking prevalence, higher levels of sexually transmitted infections, higher HIV prevalence, higher levels of substance misuse (including problem drinking in those who drink alcohol) lower screening uptake and a higher burden of common mental health issues, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.