While Tower Hamlets Together is made up of a number of different partners, we are committed to developing a shared culture which provides person-centred, coordinated care to everyone who uses our services.

The Tower Hamlets CVS is an independent membership organisation for voluntary, community faith and social enterprise organisations. They offer training courses, advocacy, free advice, support and networking opportunities through numerous events to their membership, which currently consists of 300 organisations.

The Tower Hamlets GP Care Group was formed in late 2013 to enable General Practices to be more involved in the local commissioning of health services in the borough. The GP Care Group allowed all 37 practices in Tower Hamlets to speak with one voice and to work collectively on innovative ventures.
On 1 April 2016, the Care Group began providing health visiting services to the borough, taking on 140 staff under TUPE transfer from Barts Health.
The GP Care Group is also the lead manager in the “Alliance” between Barts Health and ELFT. This contract provides community health services to Tower Hamlets, taking responsibility for the out of hours service, single point of access, health advocacy, interpreting services and the patient experience team.

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets is the local health and social care champion. From Bethnal Green to Isle of Dogs and everywhere in between they make sure that National Health Service (NHS) Leaders and other decision makers hears the people's voice and uses their feedback to improve care.

ELFT provides a wide range of community and inpatient services to children, young people, adults of working age and older adults, as well as forensic services to Tower Hamlets, the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Bedfordshire and Luton.
The Trust also offers a range of psychological therapy and some specialist mental health services across its wide footprint.
The Trust recently acquired community services in Tower Hamlets, including the Foot Health service, Continence service, Occupational Therapy and District Nursing.

With a turnover of £1.4 billion and a workforce of around 16,000, Barts Health is the largest NHS Trust in the country, and one of Britain’s leading healthcare providers. The Trust operates across four major hospital sites (The Royal London, St Bartholomew’s, Whipps Cross and Newham) and a number of community locations, including Mile End Hospital. Around 2.5 million people living in East London, including residents of Tower Hamlets, look to their services to provide them with the healthcare they need.

North east London has a growing population of over two million people and is a vibrant, diverse and distinctive area of London steeped in history and culture.
NHS North East London, along with their partners, work to make sure that the population of north east London are healthy and thriving, with good levels of mental wellbeing, and good access to high-quality health and care services.
They work with and for all the people of north east London to create meaningful improvements in health, wellbeing and equity.
Through planning and commissioning health services across north east London to meet its population’s needs, NHS NEL make sure all parts of the local health system work effectively together. They do this by bringing together health partners, local authorities and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, alongside residents, patients and service users to improve how we plan and deliver care and support services.
NHS NEL were formed on 1 July 2022 following the Health and Care Act 2022 and replaced North East London Clinical Commissioning Group. They are responsible for deciding how the local healthcare budget of nearly £4 billion is spent and we do this by working with our local health and care partners.