Organisational Structure

Tower Hamlets Together Executive Board

Tower Hamlets Together Executive Board supports the Health and Wellbeing Board to deliver its statutory responsibility to further integrate health and social care. THT Exec Board also supports NHS North East London to develop it's commissioning strategy. Representatives from all seven partner organisations sit on the THT Executive Board and together they are responsible for building effective relationships across the system and or ensuring that key system partners are involved. One of its key functions is to provide visible and collective leadership to the health and care system, highlighting the benefits of the partnership and of integrated working beyond our respective organisations.

Centre of Excellence User & Stakeholder Engagement

The development of the Centre of Excellence is ongoing but at its heart, it has two main functions. To coordinate public engagement activity across Tower Hamlets and to proactively support local people to get involved in the life course workstreams projects, ensuring that public engagement is embedded throughout the work.

Operational Management Group

The Operational Management Group (OMG) works as the Tower Hamlets operational team to oversee operational delivery of the collaboration and integration agenda and provide system oversight.
Its scope includes the whole system of community services – including primary care, mental health, social care and to ensure alignment as necessary with the Urgent Care Working Group.
The OMG has oversight of the integrated delivery of community services across health and social care and the wider community and voluntary sector, in line with the THT partnerships’ vision, aims and principles. On behalf of the THT Board, the OMG develops and delivers the overarching programme plan for integration aligned to the THT priorities and aims to resolve issues that are preventing the successful delivery of integrated services. It also identifies issues that need escalation to THT Executive Board including resources and performance issues.

Children and Families Executive
(Previously Born Well Growing Well)

The Children and Families Executive includes colleagues from all six partner organisations with Tower Hamlets Together, who together, oversee the continued development of operational and strategic approaches to meet the needs of children and families in the borough.

People and OD Committee
(6 partners working towards one workforce and one culture)

The People and OD Committee aims to
work together across organisations to establish and develop a shared culture of integrated practice, which delivers better outcomes for the people of Tower Hamlets.
Support realisation of the THT vision and objectives into practice through the collective workforce informed by it's Workforce Strategy.

Living Well
(Mainly Healthy Adults)

The Living Well workstream works collaboratively through a joint commissioning approach across the CCG and Local Authority. Living Well works with the adult population that is mainly healthy (of which a segment may be accumulating high risk for future health issues) or experiencing relatively low complexity health issues (e.g. common mental health issues, or long-term conditions that have not yet reached a level that significantly impacts on independent living). They aim to improve the experience of residents accessing various living well services.

Promoting Independence
(Complex Adults)

The Promoting Independence workstream works collaboratively across the 6 partner organisations to promote the cohort’s independence and social inclusion, enabling them to participate as equal citizens in society. The cohort includes all people with complex issues arising from disability, long term health conditions, societal issues or ageing, which unless addressed effectively, can prevent them from living the independent lives they would otherwise choose.

Estates & IT Infrastructure

This group provides oversight, planning and delivery of plans to optimise best use of the collective estate of the Tower Hamlets Together partnership.

JSNA & System Intelligence

This group uses the qualitative and quantitative information assets available across Tower Hamlets to assess the extent to which Tower Hamlets Together and wider programmes across the partnership are improving health outcomes and impacting on health inequalities.

Urgent Care Working Group

This is a multi-agency forum that brings together system partners from the Royal London Hospital Emergency Department and Tower Hamlets Together Alliance (ELFT, Tower Hamlets Local Authority, Bart's Health, GP Care Group, CCG) to deliver improvements to the quality and productivity of urgent and emergency care within Tower Hamlets. The priority being system wide accountability for the delivery of the 95% ED standard at the Royal London Hospital.

Communications Working Group

Responsible for delivering effective and sustained communication about the work of THT, this group is a cluster of communications colleagues from across the partnership. A key aim will be showing evidence of strong collaborative working and sharing the achievements and successes of the partnership.

There are four Locality Health and Wellbeing Committees, and their purpose is to ensure residents get the best possible care in their locality. One of the ways they will do this is by using needs-based information and patient feedback to ensure services are addressing local needs and improving outcomes.

NE Health & Wellbeing Committee

NW Health & Wellbeing Committee

SE Health & Wellbeing Committee

SW Health & Wellbeing Committee

Are you a Tower Hamlets resident? We would love to hear from you!

If you have any feedback regarding our services, or suggestions of ideas and initiatives that may improve the healthcare and wellbeing of people in Tower Hamlets, please get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

Tower Hamlets animations