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THT Co-Production Guidance EASY READ

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Co- production Activity Checklist

This checklist is intended to be used as a tool to support you to implement the co- production toolkit for wider co- production activities.


Coproduction Example 4 - Co-designing new NCMP communication materials

During the academic year 2022/23, the GP Care Group School Health Team, The Child Healthy Weight Team, and the council’s Healthy Children and families Public Health team worked together on a Quality Improvement project to review and improve the delivery of our local National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP).


Coproduction Example 5 - Unpaid carers co-production briefing

In May 2022 Integrated Commissioning formed the Tower Hamlets Unpaid Carers co-production in order to use the expertise and experience of unpaid carers to help shape a number of initiatives related to unpaid carers. This included a new Unpaid Carers Service and Unpaid Carers Emergency Service, which will be in place from 1 April 2024.


Coproduction Example 1 - DIY Health Bromley By Bow Case study

The DIY Health model was co- created by Bromley by Bow Health Partnership (BBBHP, Tower
Hamlets, London) in partnership with the community it serves in response to a need identifiable
across most general practices across the country.


Coproduction Example 2 - Tower Hamlets Health Quality Checker Project


Coproduction Example 3 - Creating Seeds of Change in Tower Hamlets

In 2019 the Darzi Seeds of Change Project took root on the Isle of Dogs in Tower Hamlets.
The project began life in 2019 when Darzi Fellow and ‘System Wanderer and Maven’ Meera Kapadia,
embarked on her Fellowship.


The Tower Hamlets Children and Families Partnership Strategy 2024 – 2029

We are proud to be members of the Every Chance for Every Child Forum, the Tower Hamlets Children and Families Partnership. As individual organisations and working together, we strive every day to deliver the very best opportunities and support to families and children.
This strategy is driven by what children and young people have told us.


Tower Hamlets Together Improving Equity Programme

The Improving Equity Programme is a collaborative initiative that aims to tackle
the health and social inequalities in Tower Hamlets. It provides funding,
training and support to local projects using Quality Improvement (QI) methods
to address complex and systemic issues affecting the wellbeing of the