Co-production Resource Library:

Influence and participation toolkit | Mind - Mind

NHS England ยป Co-production resource toolkit

Co-production: what it is and how to do it | SCIE

What is co-production | In more detail | TLAP (

Search | Research in Practice

Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care


Subtitled - YouTube

How can Tower Hamlets become a better place for people who have experienced trauma?


Subtitled – YouTube

Expert Help Contact List

Jon Williams, Engagement and Community Communications Lead, NHS North East London

Lauren Osborn,  Adult Social Care Co- production Lead, LBTH Adult Social Care

People Participation Team,  East London Foundation Trust

Craig Morbey, Strategy and Policy Lead, Chief Executives Office LBTH

Akbal Ahmed, Commissioning Manager, LBTH Integrated Commissioning

Joe Ellis, Deputy Manager, CREATE Community Hub

Ellen Kennedy, Head of Programmes, REAL

Jamie Bird, Commissioning Manager, LBTH Integrated Commissioning

Alison Robert, Partnerships Manager, Tower Hamlets CVS

For individual work

Coproduction_and_strengths-based_practice_lb_july2020_web.pdf (

Co-production with individuals: key advice for social workers (

NHS England » Personalised care

Strengths Based Practice resources: Resources (