Resource Library

Explore our extensive resource library for a range of insightful information, including case studies, forms and video assets. All Tower Hamlets Together health and social care resources are easily searchable and available for download.

Resource Library

THT Coproduction Workshop Event 1 Presentation Shahid Islam 25th April 2023

THT Coproduction Workshop Event 1 Presentation from Shahid Islam talks about coproducing a coproduction strategy.


THT Coproduction Workshop Event 2 23rd May 2023

Coproduction Journey for Tower Hamlets Connect.


Culturally Appropriate Health Communication and Engagement Toolkit V7

Developed by Public Health LBTH, the value of this approach is it leads to more co-design and power-sharing, addresses stigma, demonstrates transparently how our services are culturally appropriate, and has strong alignment with the local health and wellbeing strategy. The THT Board endorsed the goal to embed the toolkit across the system within one year in the first instance, by identifying specific campaigns and projects where it can be rolled out, supported and documented to evidence impact –with a report back in December 2023.


Keeping Well in Winter

How we can all beat the winter blues, look out for each other and stay warm and well - Download the FULL booklet.


THT Engagement Action Plan Report

Download the FULL Engagement Action Plan Report 2022/23


Scarlet fever and invasive Group A strep

What to do if your child is unwell - A guide for parents


THT Borough Plan

Download the FULL Borough Plan Refreshed in May 2021 Post Covid 19


Tower Hamlets Together Staff Integrated Care Awards 2022

On Thursday 29 September, Tower Hamlets Together (THT) hosted its first ever ‘virtual’ Staff Integrated Care Awards, celebrating the fantastic work undertaken by staff over the past two years in the partnership and integration space. Download full slide deck where you can view all nominations, winners and those recognised as highly commended


PP Equality and Diversity Committee Sept 22

Download this FULL helpful presentation about Sign live British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation