Change for Good

The borough’s vision of a seamless health and care experience for its citizens.

A FREE 12-week online weight-management programme for Tower Hamlets residents commissioned by Tower Hamlets Local Authority
Change for Good want to bring people together (virtually, of course) to encourage and support each other to make simple and healthy lifestyle changes to lose weight and keep the weight off, for good. It doesn't matter where you are on your journey; join us to achieve your weight-loss goal.
The course will meet weekly (both daytime and evening options) and will be run by local, qualified and experienced tutors. Change for Good follows an NHS approved programme and covers nutritional and lifestyle topics each week. The groups will be made up of 20-25 people and will be interactive with plenty of time for discussion. You will also be supported to become part of a local online community where you can meet and support others on the journey.
To be eligible you must:
- Be over 18
- Live in Tower Hamlets or be registered with a Tower Hamlets GP
- have a BMI (Body Mass Index) over 30 or BMI over 27.5 for South-Asian heritage residents
- or your waist size is 94cm (37in) or more for men, and 80cm (31.5in) or more for women
* You can calculate your BMI here: here
For more information please email [email protected] or call / text 020 8510 1970 / 07969 023 218 or you can sign up here