Resource Library

Explore our extensive resource library for a range of insightful information, including case studies, forms and video assets. All Tower Hamlets Together health and social care resources are easily searchable and available for download.

Resource Library

What Would You Do? - HealthWatch Tower Hamlets Part 1

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets talked face to face with 346 local residents in local street markets in the borough over four days in early May 2019. Key themes included prevention, personalisation, primary care and on improving neighbourhoods as healthier spaces. Download the results.


Summer Fair 30th May 2019 Service Stall Feedback Report

“We had great fun doing it and found it a very valuable experience for both visitors and store holders”


THT Vision

Working together to transform people’s health and lives in Tower Hamlets


Innovative Sleeping Packs Project

Innovative staff at Lea Ward in Tower Hamlets have introduced sleeping packs to help service users get the best rest possible as part of their mental health recovery.


Wheel of Partnership

The Wheel of Partnership was developed in 2017 to identify the skills, knowledge and behaviours that enable successful integrated working and person centred care.


Think Family: Tackling Exploitation and Modern Slavery

ELFT staff from all across London, Bedfordshire and Luton came together on 31 January at ELFT’s 'Think Family' Safeguarding Conference in Bethnal Green to share learning about Safeguarding both adults and children.


Buurtzorg Neighbourhood Care Team Shared Learning Event

70 healthcare professionals including GPs, nurses, occupational therapists, researchers and colleagues from within and outside of east London came together on 31 January for a Shared Learning event to review the impact on the Buurtzorg Nursing Care Team (NCT) pilot in Tower Hamlets. The shared learning event was an opportunity to evaluate the impact of the pilot.


Care Confident - Breastfeeding support

Care Confident is our educational and communication resource


Care Confident - Oral Health

Care Confident is our educational and communication resource