Resource Library

Explore our extensive resource library for a range of insightful information, including case studies, forms and video assets. All Tower Hamlets Together health and social care resources are easily searchable and available for download.

Resource Library

OCEAN - Offering Compassionate & Emotional Support for Those Living Through Birth Trauma and Loss

Download the FULL Q&A for Health Professionals


Tower Hamlets Together: Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy 2021-2024

This Workforce Strategy sets out our approach to ensuring we have a health and social care workforce that delivers care at the right time; in the right way; in the right place; by the right person, with the right skills and values. It will act as a guiding framework for THT and the organisations within it to support and develop the health and social care workforce in Tower Hamlets. This strategy is not designed to replace or supersede the inter-organisational strategies of THT partner organisations, but instead to support their direction setting so that organisational workforce strategies demonstrate alignment with THT integrated workforce priorities.


Tower Hamlets Together - Shared Outcomes Framework

Download our FULL Shared Outcomes Framework which includes case studies showing how this was applied in practice.


Let’s keep young people and children safe and healthy

With the pandemic impacting our everyday lives we want to make sure that parents and young people are aware that we are still here to support them. During the national lockdown we are still here to care for babies, children and young people. The lockdown allows you to leave home to get medical care or treatment and we have created safe environments for you to access the care you need when you need it. If your child needs ongoing care, gets unwell and you don’t know what to do or you need urgent and emergency care please don’t hesitate to contact us. Call your GP or call 111 to get advice on what to do next. Can’t decide what care you need for your child. Read our parents’ guide to accessing services or call 111


Health and Wellbeing Board - 17 November 2020

Independent Chair's Progress Report on Tower Hamlets Together
• Our mission, vision, objectives and priorities for action
• How the partnership responded to COVID -good practice and lessons learned
• How we used this experience to refocus our governance structure and impact
• The revised borough plan, priorities, winter interventions and financial pressures
• Delivering on our Outcomes Framework
• Citizen voice and service user engagement


Hestia & ELFT launch the Together Café Service in Tower Hamlets – May 2020

The Together Cafés provide a welcoming, safe and therapeutic space as alternative to other crisis service such as A&E. The service aims to equip people with the skills they need to reduce their immediate anxiety, formulate individual self-directed support plans and provide information / advice around the local services and resources that may help them moving forward.


Covid-19 THT Partnership success stories and case studies

At our most recent THT Board meeting on the 7th May, partners discussed numerous examples of how strong partnership working, innovation and commitment across the borough have contributed strongly to our local Covid-19 response.


What Would You Do? - HealthWatch Tower Hamlets Part 2

Healthwatch Tower Hamlets talked face to face with 346 local residents in local street markets in the borough over four days in early May 2019. Key themes included prevention, personalisation, primary care and on improving neighbourhoods as healthier spaces. Download detailed results for each of the 4 localities.


Tower Hamlets Urgent Treatment Centre - Opening 14 August 2019

When it comes to accessing medical care that’s urgent but not life-threatening, people in Tower Hamlets now only need to do one thing; call NHS 111 who will direct callers to the most appropriate service.

This may now be an appointment at the newly launched Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC), run by the Tower Hamlets GP Care Group in collaboration with Barts Health NHS Trust and East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT). DOWNLOAD the official leaflet now.