Tower Hamlets Together Integrated Care Awards 2023

The borough’s vision of a seamless health and care experience for its citizens.

The Tower Hamlets Together Partnership (THT) was delighted to present its 2nd THT ‘Integrated Care’ Awards ceremony on Thursday 7th December 2023
Tower Hamlets Together Integrated Care Staff Awards 2023
The Tower Hamlets Together Partnership (THT) was delighted to present its 2nd THT ‘Integrated Care’ Awards ceremony on Thursday 7th December 2023.
The aim of this virtual event was to celebrate the fantastic work accomplished within the borough by our staff over the last year.
130 enthusiastic attendees across the 7 organisations under THT, joined the event in support which was hosted by Amy Gibbs (THT independent Chair) and Roberto Tamsanguan (GP and Tower Hamlets Place Clinical Director).
74 impressive nominations across the 6 categories were submitted and were of a very high standard. The shortlisting panel had difficulty in singling out clear high commended and winners and this resulted in many joint award winners which in itself was celebrated by all!
THT were thrilled that the 6 presenters for each award, all members of the THT Executive Board were as excited as our nominees to not only be in attendance but to read out nominator’s comments showcasing the fantastic and at times very moving examples.
We received very positive feedback from attendees on the day which included ‘heart-warming’, ‘well deserved’ ‘superimpressive’ ‘good to acknowledge great work’, ‘appreciation’, ‘fantastic’, ‘thank you’, ‘brilliant nominations’ ‘a great event’ and ‘roll on next year’.
Finally, we would like to thank all those who took the time to nominate, all who were able to attend and of course nominees, those recognised as highly commended and winners!
See categories below and to view all slides from the event with a breakdown of nominees, highly commended and winners click here:
1. The Shape Shifter award for Flexibility and Adaptability
2. The Creative Wizard award for Creativity and Innovation
3. The Building Bridges award for Partnership Working
4. The Bullseye award for Person-centred Care
5. The Ray of Sunshine award for Recognition and Celebration
6. The Visionary award for Collaborative Leadership