Improving local health and care services by learning how to work together better

The borough’s vision of a seamless health and care experience for its citizens.

People of Tower Hamlets! Join us for a FREE event series to help work out ideas & plans for how we can work together better, & collect love2shop vouchers in the process!
As people of Tower Hamlets, you know what is needed to improve health and wellbeing in the borough. The Council, the NHS and Community organisations in Tower Hamlets can do better at listening and working with people to make sure health and care services better address people’s needs. You can help shape this so local services and opportunities are more in line with what people want.
Click on this link to register if you live in Tower Hamlets or represent a voluntary and community group. We are offering people who attend a £20 per hour a love2shop voucher and for organisations, a £40 per hour payment for attending. To be eligible for this, you will be required to complete an event evaluation.