Eat Well and Move Programme by Ability Bow

The borough’s vision of a seamless health and care experience for its citizens.

Eat Well and Move Programme is a free 12-week programme of focused one-to-one and small group exercise and nutrition sessions for people with a physical disability
Eat Well and Move Programme is a free 12-week programme of focused one-to-one and small group exercise and nutrition sessions for people with a physical disability.
This service is for adults who work/live/study in Tower Hamlets or registered with a local GP, who are living with overweight/obesity and living with a physical activity. The programme helps increase participants’ physical activity levels with support from expert instructors and identify ways to eat healthily and to manage their weight.
Self-refer: telephone 020 8980 7778 or email [email protected] ; GP referral: send the completed referral form on EMIS ‘Disability Weight Management Tier 2 Ability Bow’ to [email protected]