Amy Gibbs - Newly Appointed Independent Chair for THT commences within her new role in April 2019

The borough’s vision of a seamless health and care experience for its citizens.

Amy Gibbs - Newly Appointed Independent Chair for Tower Hamlets Together Partnership Board.
Amy is a health and social policy expert, community campaigner and senior leader, with experience in national charities, local government and Parliament. She has played an active role in Tower Hamlets since moving here in 2006, including 5 years as Vice-Chair of East End CAB and 8 years as an elected councillor for Bethnal Green. Amy was privileged to serve in the Cabinet of Tower Hamlets Council from 2015-18, for two years as Lead for Health & Adults Services and Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board and one year overseeing Education & Children's Services. As a councillor, Amy also led scrutiny reviews to improve local services, chaired the Licensing Committee and championed the voice of local people on numerous issues.
Currently Chief Executive of Birthrights, the charity promoting human rights in maternity care, Amy has previously held senior roles at Mind, The Children's Society and Unicef UK. Throughout her career, she has led teams and organisations to secure legal, policy and practice changes to improve services and support for vulnerable adults and children. She has held various non-Executive positions including Governor of East London Mental Health Foundation Trust, Board Member for Tower Hamlets Homes and Member of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. Amy has an MSc in European Public Policy and MA in English Literature and German. She lives in Bow with her husband and lively toddler.